Why can’t San Antonio be more like Austin?

Frank and I went to Austin on Saturday.  There is something about Austin that makes me feel happy just thinking about it.  I wish San Antonio was more like Austin.

I went to the Zilker Botanical Garden for an educational seminar on Raising Chickens.  I don’t know what I expected.  When I walked in there was at least 100 people there.  All I could hear was chattering about dust baths, chicken feed, eggs.  I sat down and was just overwhelmed on how good it felt to be in a room full of people that like chickens.  There were all sorts of people, young and old, cowboys and farmers, well-dressed professional looking people, men and women and even a few kids.   I was so happy I felt like I was going to break into tears.  In San Antonio, I don’t have anyone I can talk with my chickens about and I feel all by myself and a little lost at times.  In Austin, there was a whole group of people just like me.

The educational seminar was two hours and it flew by, people asked questions, shared their experiences and were so engaged in the entire chicken experience.  I’m not sure I learned a whole lot about raising chickens but I did learn that I would love to live in Austin!

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